API Risk Assessment Report Poland

Specific company data for specific KYC KYB processes

Get to know the professional business report about any Polish company created by Transparent Data for employees of KYC KYB compliance departments. The most important company information is processed in it in such a way that risk assessment and finding the cut-off point take minutes, not hours. Thanks to it, the usually time-consuming verification of the Polish contractor and initial business intelligence will be automated in an effective way, free of manual errors.

Verify your contractor in less than a minute with API Risk Assessment Report Poland

The commercial reports, which we called Risk Assessment Reports, were created in cooperation with our clients, companies similar to yours. The fields highlighted in those documents allow you to shorten the time needed to decide on cooperation to 1 minute of analysis. Those KYC KYB reports occupy only a few pages, but what distinguishes them is the fact that the information on companies from Poland collected there has been precisely processed.

Thanks to these professional company reports, business risk assessment, which is usually time-consuming, comes down to scanning a list of simple YES or NO answers. For example, YES, it is a young Polish company that has existed for less than a year, YES, the business status of the economic entity is active, or NO, the management board members are PEP Poland or appear on sanction lists. A company report prepared in this way makes the verification of the Polish contractor several or even several dozen times faster than usual.

Concise but short on purpose. This business report answers specific questions of credit risk managers

Concise and short business reports available via the API Risk Assessment Report Poland provide a quick answer to the basic questions that every analyst, credit risk manager or employee of the KYC KYB compliance department asks when assessing the credibility of a potential contractor.

Examples of questions answered by our specialized KYC KYB reports include:

  • Is this a young company?
  • What is its share capital and has it been reduced lately?
  • Has the business classification code of the business activity changed?
  • What is the current status of the company in Poland?
  • How many subsidiaries are there?
  • Do other Polish companies have the same phone number, address?
  • Does the company office exist in reality or is it virtual?
  • How often does the board change?
  • What is the age of board members?
  • What is the probability of bankruptcy?
  • Is the ultimate beneficial owner known?
  • Do company owners appear on PEP or sanction lists?
  • For what years did the entity submit financial statements?
  • What are the key financial data from the last statement?
  • Does this Polish company have debts and what are their amounts?
  • Does the company have arrears in the National Court Register Poland KRS?
  • Does the company appear on the Register of Insolvent Debtors on the list of KNF warnings?
  • Was the entity subject to UOKiK's decision?

The answers to questions from the risk assessment reports are processed company data consistent with the current state of the official Polish registers: the National Court Register, CEIDG, MSiG, GUS, KNF, UOKiK, CRBR, White List, VIES, FTS, private debt exchanges, sanction lists and PEP databases.

How does the Risk Assessment Report API return data? Conveniently, in PDF or JSON

Using the Risk Assessment Report API, you can download the data we technologically aggregate as either a ready-made company report in PDF format or data in JSON. In the latter option, this data can immediately automatically feed the internal risk management software that your organization has.

The data sources for individual sections of company reports are well-known Polish commercial registers and business databases:

  • Basic company registration data, including contact details and finances: KRS, MSiG, CEIDG, REGON
  • Management Board, owners: KRS, PEP, Sanction lists
  • Debts: National Court Register KRS and debt exchanges
  • Other: VAT Taxpayer Register, Polish Financial Supervision Authority, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, VIES, FTS

Quick risk assessment of Polish companies - benefits of API from Transparent Data

Our risk assessment reports will allow your organization to efficiently identify business risk and provide immediate, even automatic scoring of B2B contractors from Poland. The initial verification of a Polish company may end after collecting three "NO" answers in the most important sections of the document, according to your KYC KYB compliance departments. Thanks to this, data analysts will not have to spend much time on the company's financial statements or ownership structure - just a quick glance at this business report is enough.

Transparent Data customers who use the API Risk Assessment Report Poland appreciate the accessibility of the presented data. Data is provided in a structured way.

Specialized risk assessment reports about Polish companies created for a wise KYC KYB

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are perfect solutions for companies for which digital transformation and data management must be in line with strict regulations and high attention to security. As a member of the prestigious international association of business data providers FEBIS, a member of the Polish Association of Financial Enterprises ZPF and a company recognized as an expert in the narrow field of open data, we constantly ensure that our API Risk Assessment Report is the best KYC KYB product on the market.

API Risk Assessment Report Poland equals not only faster verification of Polish companies, but above all constant access to current registration information directly from official sources. If you are looking for a solution that will allow your organization to automate manual business processes, relieve KYC KYB compliance departments and reduce data acquisition costs, Transparent Data API is for you.

Try API Risk Assessment Report Poland

Ask about test access to our API Risk Assessment Report, describing your business needs. Let this specialized company report convince you that it has the potential to improve risk management in your organization. This API for business is one of our leading products, thanks to which Polish company verification and due diligence performed by risk assessment, compliance, KYC and KYB departments reach a higher level of efficiency and security.

Check how much faster risk assessment can be thanks to this API for business