Data coverage Poland

Below you will find a list of business data sources about Polish companies from which we obtain data for our AML KYC KYB Compliance solutions, along with their detailed description. These range from state-owned business registers of Poland to additional AML data sources such as international sanction lists. As a supplier of business data associated in the renowned FEBIS organization, we ensure that each register we use is fully reliable and legal.

Business registers Poland

Economic information from Poland

  • KRS

    National Court Register (Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy KRS) is the database of companies of the Ministry of Justice, in which all Polish enterprises are registered except for sole proprietorships and civil law partnerships. In this main business register in Poland we find registration data, financial data and arrears / claims of joint-stock companies, limited liability companies and limited partnerships, branches of foreign companies, as well as foundations and associations.


    Central Registration and Information on Business (Centralna Ewidencja i Informacja o Działalności Gospodarczej CEIDG) is a nationwide database of entrepreneurs conducting sole proprietorships and partners of civil law partnerships of natural persons. Therefore, the CEIDG business register Poland includes only entries of natural persons conducting business in Poland. The data on all other companies is kept by the National Court Register.


    The REGON database maintained by the Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS) is the national official register of entities of the national economy, in which each newly registered company in Poland is assigned a serial number and PKD (NACE equivalent – business classification code, on the basis of which we recognize the industry in which a given company operates). The source also provides lists of branches of a given company.

  • MSiG

    Court and Commercial Gazette (Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy MSiG) is the official website run by the Ministry of Justice. Provides access to the bankruptcy list of entities – their data, information about the court and reference numbers of the proceedings, the length of the period for action and the full content of the announcement.

  • White List

    Colloquially known as the White List (Biała Lista), the electronic List of VAT Taxpayers of the Ministry of Finance is a nationwide database of all entities registered and unregistered in VAT. Contains among others such accounting-relevant data as the taxpayer’s VAT status and company bank account numbers.

  • CRBR

    Polish ultimate beneficial owners register (Centralny Rejestr Beneficjentów Rzeczywistych CRBR) is a nationwide database of UBOs run by the Ministry of Finance.

  • BZP

    The Public Procurement Office (Urząd Zamówień Publicznych UZP) runs the Central Portal of the Public Procurement Bulletin BZP, which stores all the results of tenders announced in Poland – winner, contracting authority, amount and date details.

  • URE

    Registers and lists of the Polish Energy Regulatory Office (Urząd Regulacji Energetyki URE) gather information on all energy enterprises with a liquid fuel license and in a scope other than liquid fuel.

  • UOKiK

    From registers maintained by the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów UOKiK) we collect information about whether a given business entity is the subject of a decision by UOKiK and whether a judgment has been passed in its case.

  • KNF

    The list of public warnings issued by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego KNF) informs about suspected offenses committed by a given company under art. 171 section 1-3 of the Banking Act

Other Polish company data sources

Information on company debts, receivables, and verification of business credibility

  • Giełda-Długó

    The Gielda-długó online platform is one of the most popular and largest debt exchange databases in Poland. Its advantage is both up-to-date debtors’ data and the volume itself (tens of thousands of claims with a total value of hundreds of millions of zlotys).


    The online debt exchange długów is one of the largest websites enabling debt trade in Poland. Various entrepreneurs issue there unpaid invoices, unpaid loans and awarded debts – we provide this kind of data in our business risk reports.

  • Kaczmarski Inkasso

    The Kaczmarski Inkasso debt exchange database is run by a comprehensive debt collection management company that has existed for 30 years. The company is a partner of the economic information office BIG KRD SA. The value of cases reported by Polish companies on this debt exchange amounts to over PLN 400 million.

  • Economic Information Bureaus

    Economic Information Bureaus (Biura Informacji Gospodarczej, BIG) are the only institutions in Poland legally designated to collect and provide information on unreliable debtors. They do it for a fee. If you have a contract with them or plan to do so, we can integrate their data with your system.

  • Companies websites

    Official companies websites confirm the information about the entity reported in the registers and serve as an additional source of contact details.

AML data sources - Sanctions lists

Several dozen of the most important sanctions lists in the world

  • UE Sanctions

    "Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union (Sanctions EU)" – a consolidated list of people, groups and entities subject to EU financial sanctions. "Financial Sanctions Files (FSF) of the European Union (FSF list)" – a list of financial sanctions, published by the European External Action Service (EEAS). The ‘Sanctions Map’ – the EU Sanctions Map website contains mostly the same data as the EU Consolidated List.

  • UN Sanctions

    Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List is a list of all individuals and entities subject to measures imposed by the Security Council.

  • Belgian Sanctions

    Consolidated List of the National Belgian List and of the List of European Sanctions is a database maintained by the Federal Public Service of Belgium. "Financial Sanctions" – is a list of Belgium’s financial sanctions by The Federale Overheidsdienst Financien (FOD).

  • UK Sanctions

    "HM Treasury (HMT) Financial sanctions: Consolidated List of Targets" is an up-to-date, digitized list of UK sanctions maintained by its government. "Current List of designated persons, terrorism and terrorist financing" – a sanction list of the UK government, it includes entities related to terrorism and terrorist financing. "Insolvency Disqualified Directors" – the list is maintained by the Insolvency Service, reporting to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). "OFSI Consolidated List of Targets" – this list may include military, commercial and travel restrictions.

  • USA sanctions - OFAC lists

    "SDN List Specially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons List (U.S. Treasury)" – a list of individuals, groups and entities such as terrorists and drug traffickers. "US OFAC Consolidated (non-SDN) List" – this sanctions list is a supplement to the SDN List. "Foreign Sanctions Evaders (FSE) List (U.S. Treasury)" a list of foreign persons and entities that have breached sanctions against Syria or Iran pursuant to executive order 13608. In addition, OFAC sanction lists: "Sectoral Sanctions Identifications (SSI) List", "Non- SDN Palestinian Legislative Council (NS-PLC) List "and" Non-SDN Iranian Sanctions Act (NS-ISA) List ".

  • USA sanctions

    "The Denied Persons List" is a list of individuals and companies that have been denied export privileges by the American Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). "The Consolidated Screening List (CSL)" is a list of sites for which the US government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of goods. "The List of Foreign Financial Institutions Subject to Part 561" (formerly OFAC Part 561 List) – a list of foreign financial institutions that are subject to US sanctions. "List of Persons Identified as Blocked Solely Pursuant to Executive Order 13599 (the 13599 List)" is a list of individuals identified as blocked under US Government executive order 13599.

  • France Sanctions

    "French Freezing of Assets" is a list of France’s financial sanctions. It lists all the persons, entities and ships that are subject to the asset freeze sanctions. The list is kept by the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Repair of France.

  • Australia Sanctions

    "The Australian Consolidated List" is a list of all persons and entities subject to targeted financial sanctions or travel bans. It is run by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

  • Canada Sanctions

    "The Canadian Listed Terrorist Entities" is Canada’s sanctions list maintained by the Minister of Public Security. "The Canadian Special Economic Measures Act Sanctions" and "The Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List", which contain sanctions under the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA) and the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (JVCFOA).

  • Argentina's sanctions

    "Argentine RePET (Public Registry of Persons and Entities linked to acts of Terrorism and their Financing)" is operated by the Argentine Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

  • Switzerland's sanctions

    The "Swiss SECO Sanctions / Embargoes" is a database run by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, SECO.

  • Israel sanctions

    "Israel Terrorists Organizations and Unauthorized Associations lists" is an NBCTF database of the Israel Ministry of Defense that lists individuals and organizations suspected of terrorist activity.

  • Ukraine's sanctions

    "National Security Sanctions" – database maintained by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (Рада національної безпеки і оборони України). "Ukraine SFMS Blacklist" is a list of entities subject to financial sanctions in Ukraine. It is run by the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine (SFMS) (Державна служба фінансового моніторингу України (Держфінмоніторинг)). "Ukraine NABC Sanctions Tracker" is a list of suggested sanctions targets related to Russia, compiled by the Ukrainian anti-corruption agency.

  • Japan sanctions

    "Japan Economic sanctions and list of eligible people" are sanctions imposed by Japan in accordance with its foreign exchange and trade law. The list is kept by the Ministry of Finance in Japan.

  • Sanctions by Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan

    "Kyrgyz Nation List" is published by the State Financial Intelligence Service under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic. The "Kazakh Terror Financing list" is a list of people and entities subject to sanctions. The list is published by the Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

  • Russia's sanctions

    "Rosfinmonitoring WMD-related entities" is a list of Russia’s sanctions published by the federal agency Rosfinmonitoring (Росфинмониторинг).

  • Singapore sanctions

    "Singapore Targeted Financial Sanctions" – list is maintained by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). It mainly includes people and organizations related to terrorism.

  • South Africa sanctions

    "The South African FIC sanctions list" is the official South African database maintained by the Financial Intelligence Center (FIC).

Polish commercial registers and sources of economic information for AML KYC KYB Compliance

The above list of data sources used by Transparent Data is not exhaustive. Although we list all the most important Polish business registers and official company registers that we have been using for years in our APIs, you can write to us at any time asking about aggregation of data from an additional source indicated by you. We are experts in extracting and integrating data. If you need an API for your business information office or another register, even a foreign one, get to know our data software services. We will quickly evaluate your project.

Real company data value

We work with company data not to simply aggregate it, but to process it and present it in a form that will bring real value to the client's world. Poland economic information sources and registers return raw data, often unprocessed. In turn, our business reports, API with information about companies and business intelligence platforms will return you with a specific answer, so necessary to ensure the security of the business process.

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