Customer testimonials

Candid words from our customers are the greatest confirmation for our value proposition

Fundacja GS1 Polska

Fundacja GS1 Polska

GS1 Polska, which is part of GS1, a global organization developing the most widely used system of standards in the world, recommends the data software house Transparent Data Sp. z o. o. Sp.k. as a trustworthy supplier of business solutions based on registration data.

The service of obtaining financial data from financial statements included in the National Court Register, provided by Transparent Data, allowed us to effectively automate the verification processes of GS1 contractors.

Cooperation with Transparent Data takes place in a professional and pleasant atmosphere.

Joanna Redmer (President of the Management Board / President), Ph.D. Eng. Elżbieta Hałas (Member of the Management Board/CEO), Piotr Flaum (Management Representative for Finance), Fundacja GS1 Polska